Crowd Funding Plan Invest one time only Rs.200/- earn more than Rs. 100000/- - Online Information

Wednesday, 8 January 2020

Crowd Funding Plan Invest one time only Rs.200/- earn more than Rs. 100000/-

Just200 Crowd Funding Plan  Invest one time only Rs.200/- earn more than Rs. 100000/-

Crowd Funding Just200 Plan

 We all know that there so many crowd Funding plan going on like 5050CF, 3x Funding Plan and many more, but these plan is very costly and we have to invest minimum Rs. 1000/- to Rs.3000/-. And maximum Rs. 64000/- to 2,80,000/- Every person cannot afford  these plan.
But here I am going to introduce same Crowd Funding Plane with Low Investment, Yes very low investment, only Rs. 200/- one time. You have to invest only Rs. 200/- for this plan and you can earn more then Rs. 1,00000/- and maximum Rs. 100000000/- if you do hard work.

Name of Company:-

Crowd Funding Plan
Just200 Crowdfundng

Just200 is the name of the company and it is registered as a NGO namely “JAN SEWA SOCIETY” and running this company since 2016 from Haryana.
There are Three Plans in this Crowd Funding:-
1.      Starter Plan
2.      Middle Plan
3.      End Plan

Here we will talk about only Starter Plan which is very important and plan.  Now I am going to give step by step information about this plan.

It's 2x6 forced crowd funding matrix plan. It will fill automatically. Means anyone can earn Unlimited Income from this plan. Here payment is deposited directly into your bank account.

1.       What is the Plan & How does it works

To start with we have to give Rs.200/- to our direct sponsor's (who told this concept to us) Bank deposit or cash for activating your ID. Now you have to make list all our near & dear once who wants to enrolled in this concept, fill online form & accepting Rs.200/- and activate them. So that they also starts to promoting the concept. This is 2 x 6 Auto Forced crowdfunding Matrix Plan. For that if you are sponsor 3rd person, he will placed in empty place of above 2 persons. And you get that sponsor income. This plan will be for 6 levels for that you have to upgrade every level.

2.       How to register & Registration Process:

Registration process is online. You can register by filling online registration form using sponser id and valid mobile no. Pay the registration amount as soon as possible to your sponser by using any medium. On getting payment sponser will activate your ID. Now you are active in the system and can sponser any no. of people and get sponser income of Rs. 200/- per person.

3.       Levels of Plan(for 6 levels)

1st Level Upgrade of Starter Plan : You have to join 2 Persons who was your 1st down line. You will get sponsor Crowd Funding Income Rs.200/- from that 2 persons (Rs.200/- x 2 = Rs.400/-). Now you have to pay to your 2nd Upline Rs.300/- from your 1st income of Rs.400/- for the second level upgradation. Now your Crowd Funding income is:-
Rs.400/- (-) Rs.300/- = Rs.100/-(Net Profit)

Rs.400/- (-) Rs.300/- = Rs.100/-(Net Profit)

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 2nd Level Upgrade Of Starter Plan : Now you don't have to join anybody (but if you join then you will get that sponsor CrowdFunding income of Rs.200/-). Now 4 members of your 2nd level will upgrade their ID (means after entering 8 in their down line, they will upgrade their ID), you will get Rs. 300/- (Rs.300/- x 4 = Rs.1,200/-). Now from that Rs.1,200/- you will have to pay to your 3rd Upline of Rs. 900/- for the 3rd level upgrade. Now your total CrowdFunding income is:-

Rs.1,200/- (-) Rs.900/- = Rs. 300/- (Net Profit).

Rs.1,200/- (-) Rs.900/- = Rs. 300/- (Net Profit). Rs.1,200/- (-) Rs.900/- = Rs. 300/- (Net Profit).

3rd Level Upgrade of Starter Plan : Now also you don't have to join anybody (but if you join then you will get that sponsor CrowdFunding income of Rs.200/-). Now 8 members of your 3rd level will upgrade their ID (Just like you upgrade on getting 4 payments of Rs. 300/- means after entering 16(4th Level) & 32(5th Level) & 64(6th Level) in their downline, they will upgrade their ID), you will get CrowdFunding income of Rs. 900/- (Rs.900/- x 8 = Rs.7,200/-). Now from that Rs. 7,200/- you will have to pay to your 4th Upline of Rs. 2,500/- for the 4th level upgrade. Now your total CrowdFunding income is:-Rs.7,200/- (-) Rs.2,500/- = Rs.4,700/- (Net Profit).

Note:-After 3rd level upgrade you have to pay Rs. 200/- to NGO for helping needy people.

4th Level Upgrade of Starter Plan : Now also you don't have to join anybody (but if you join then you will get that sponsor CrowdFunding income of Rs.200/-). Now 16 members of your 4th level will upgrade their ID (Just like you upgrade on getting 8 payments of Rs. 900/- means after entering 32(5th Level), 64(6th Level) & 128(7th Level) & 256(8th Level below 128) in their down line, they will upgrade their ID), you will get CrowdFunding income of Rs. 2,500/- (Rs.2,500/- x 16 = Rs.40,000/-). Now from that Rs.40,000/- you will have to payto your 5th Upline of Rs. 20,000/- for the 5th level upgrade. Now your total CrowdFunding income is:- Rs.40,000/- (-) Rs.20,000/- = Rs.20,000/- (Net Profit).

Note:-After 4th level upgrade you have to pay Rs. 1000/- to NGO for helping needy people

5th Level Upgrade Of Starter Plan : Now also you don't have to join anybody (but if you join then you will get that sponsor CrowdFunding income of Rs.200/-). Now 32 members of your 5th level will upgrade their ID (Just like you upgrade on getting 16 payments of Rs. 2500/- means after entering 64(6th Level), 128(7th Level), 256(8th Level) & 512(9th Level) & 1024(10th Level Below 512) in their down line, they will upgrade their ID), you will get CrowdFunding Income of Rs.20,000/- (Rs.20,000/- x 32 = Rs.6,40,000/-). Now from that Rs. 6,40,000/- you will have to pay to your 6th Upline of Rs.1,50,000/- for the 6th level upgrade. Now your total CrowdFunding Income is Rs.6,40,000/- (-) Rs.1,50,000/- = Rs.4,90,000/- (Net Profit).

6th Level Upgrade Of Starter Plan : Now also you don't have to join anybody (but if you join then you will get that sponsor CrowdFunding income of Rs.200/-). Now 64 members of your 6th level will upgrade their ID (Just like you upgrade on getting 32 payments of Rs. 20000/-means after entering 128(7th Level), 256(8th Level), 512(9th Level), 1024(10th level), 2048(11th level), 4096(12th level below 8192), in their down line, they will upgrade their ID), you will get CrowdFunding income of Rs. 1,50,000/- (Rs.1,50,000/- x 64 = Rs.96,00,000/-). Now from that Rs.96,00,000/- you don't have to pay to anybody. Your Earnings end here with total profit more than Rs. 1 Cr. Now your total CrowdFunding income is:- Rs. 96,00,000/- (-) Rs.0/- = Rs.96,00,000/- (Net Profit).

Crowd Funding Plan
CrowdFunding Just200

For Joining Click here 

4.       Important Notes To Be Kept In Mind

You have to deposit Rs. 200/- to your sponsors Bank account for the activation & promotion to other for joining and upload slip if upline requested.
If you want to take level income then you have to upgrade that particular level. For Example:- you wants helping income of Rs.2500/- from 16 members(In your 4th level downline) you need to pay first Rs. 2500/- to your 4th Upline. Only then you will able to get same income. So pay first to 1 and ready to get from many.
You have to introduce (Sponsor) 2 Persons compulsory.
You can sponsor unlimited to earn Rs. 200/- & it helps to complete your all levels.
Please fill all details without mistake including bank details.
Always contact up line before payment. And inform him after payment, then only receiver will be upgrade to you.
Payment to NGO in 3rd and 4th level is compulsory. If member fails to pay these Charges, his/her next payments will be blocked till the payment of these charges.
Member can upgrade to next level whenever his total earning is greater than or equal to the next level upgrade fee. You can increase your earnings by sponsoring as many as persons you can and upgrade to next level very fast.

Example: In 2nd level you got payments from 2 person and you have Earnings balance of Rs.100/- from 1st level. Now you can increase your earning by sponsoring 1 person. Thus your earning is Rs. 900/-. You are eligible for 3rd level upgrade now.
Previous Earning Bal : 400 - 300 = 100
Payments Recd. From 2 downline : 2 * 300 = 600
Earnings from sponsoring new person:- 1 * 200 = 200
Total Earning: 900

For Joining Click here 

Note: Investment is subject to market risk. 

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